Title of Event: Border Cantos/ Sonic Border
Date and time of event: Wednesday March 6, 2019. 12pm
Location of Event: LC Samek
Type of Event: Exhibit
1.) Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended. (This section should remain journalistic and should not be reflective of your opinion.)
This exhibit featured photographs and information about the U.S.- Mexico border and the stories of people immigrating across it. Various common materials were constructed as musical instruments. There were large photographs of the scenery at the border.
2.) Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal critical insight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you?
This exhibit was very eye-opening because it is part of the U.S. that most people are far removed from. The sculptures were made from material that seemed to be trash, yet it was reconstructed in a way that could be used as musical instruments. Additionally, many of the photos and sculptures were eerie yet aesthetically pleasing and captivating. The most intriguing aspect of the gallery were “effigies.” I attached a photo below and there was also a photograph of them at the border. The artist describes seeing these haunting figures near Jacumba, California and not knowing whether they were intended as art or as memorials, warnings or protective symbols – but either way, they are captivating and impactful. I found it interesting and saddening that the artists were left to guess the story behind these pieces, as the immigrants are often unable to tell their own story.
3.) What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?
I was impressed by the wall where people can post their own immigration stories. This is an examples where the viewers are participating in the art and the meaningful message of the exhibit. Additionally, it is important that immigrants are able to tell their stories – as was not the case for all of the exhibit’s pieces.
4.) Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?
(10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 )
5.) Justify your rating in the question above:
This exhibit was very meaningful and there was a lot of textual supplementation to assist in telling the story.