Angela Meckley, ArtsXpose

Title of Event: Angela Meckley, ArtsXposeDate & Time of Event: Friday January 28th 5-8pm Location of Event: Holmes Hall Type of event: Artist Show/Reception

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Aiden Smith, LUMPENPROLETARIAT (ALIVE), Matthew Day Jackson

Immediate Reaction The reason I chose this piece was because of how fascinated I am with space exploration and how I felt this piece reflects the idea that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. The ruggedness of the sculpture itself and the pained expression of the subject’s face represent a common theme with… Continue reading Aiden Smith, LUMPENPROLETARIAT (ALIVE), Matthew Day Jackson

Roxy Paine – Distillation

Roxy Paine, Distillation, 2010. The title evokes both the process of alchemy (to distill metals into gold), as well as processes of making alcohol and other drugs. Indeed, the work includes elements such as a large glass vile filled with dirt, and various tubes, that suggest chemical laboratories. The press release indicates that the work is… Continue reading Roxy Paine – Distillation

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