I have chosen to work with a seal as my object for project 1. The seal is a mammal with flippers that usually lives in the colder regions and spends most of its life in the water. The body of the seal is round with tapered ends allowing it to swim adequately under water. Seals are playful creatures who often symbolize imagination and creativity. They can inspire people to engage with their inner child, as they are often playing and interacting with others. Seals are often roaming the waters trying to find and discover new places. The seal is important to me because it reminds me of myself as a child/person. I can relate to the ways in which the seal lives, and I am interested to learn more about their lifestyle. For my project I might venture into the different ways in which seals play and interact with each other using the multiples to tell the story. I think it could be interesting to create many seals and have them interact with each other as humans would, personifying them in a sense.