Talisman Ideation Ben Kaller

My absolutely number one goal in life is to be able to financially support my mom in the future. As a single mother she has done absolutely everything for me and my two siblings. She is truly the most caring and dedicated person I know, and has dealt with more terrible obstacles in her life than ever deserved. I want to be able to partially return the favor and be able to fulfill a dream of hers. One of her dreams is to live at her favorite place on the planet, Nantucket Island in Massachusetts.For me to make this happen for her I must be very successful in my occupation, which is easier said than done. Years ago we used to go to Nantucket before it became so expensive and popular. I want my object to reflect both my memories growing up and my gratitude to my mom. Some keywords are: beach, house, nantucket, memories, success, gratefulness, relaxation